Mrs. Kathy Jacobs » First Grade Syllabus

First Grade Syllabus



First Grade Syllabus


First Grade Long Term Goal

The overall goal of first grade is to improve children’s understanding of the world and strengthen their desire to continue learning.  First grade teachers meet the needs of all students through multi-level instruction.


Communication with Parents ( Blue Tuesday Folder)

Communication will be in the form of newsletters, phone calls, e-mails notes and conferences.  All communication will be documented.  At the end of the first six weeks, conferences will be held.  Conferences may be scheduled on an as needed basis.


Evaluation of Student Progress

The evaluation tools are selected on the basis of the appropriateness for the concept that is taught.  Teacher observation, oral assessments, projects or reports, journals, student portfolios, rubrics, running records, conferences with students, open-ended question responses, class participation, and performance are examples of evaluation tools that may be used.  Reading and Mathematics assessments will be given at the end of each unit of study.  Re-teaching and re-testing strategies are used to reinforce and strengthen weaknesses.


Report Cards

The first six weeks a conference will be scheduled.  During the conference, we will walk through the report card.  Conferences may be scheduled on an as needed basis.


Grading Scale                                                

A   Mastery         90-100%                                                      

B   Satisfactory   80-89%                                                           

C   Progressing    70–79%

 Failing 69% and below  


Skills Code

M - Mastery

S -   Satisfactory

P – Progressing

N - Need improvement

Homework Policy

Homework and spelling Word Sheet will be sent home on Monday Homework will be assigned Tuesday – Thursday.  Homework assignments should take no more than 30 minutes to complete most of the time.


Late work

 Students are expected to complete all assignments in a timely manner.  Late work will only be accepted if parent call or send a note.  Late work must be turned in by the second day to receive full credit.  No late work will be accepted after the second day student will receive a zero on the assignment.


Makeup Work

Students who are absent for any reason are expected to complete all assignments, including missed classwork and homework.


 Code of Conduct

  1. Listens and follows the directions the first time given
  2. Raises hand to speak
  3. Keeps hands, feet and objects to themselves
  4. Works quietly and cooperatively
  5. Listens when others are speaking
  6. Respectful behavior towards teacher and classmates


Consequences for Code of Conduct

Rules and Consequences are discussed and posted in the classroom.

Each child starts the day with a GREEN card.

First Time – is a verbal warning – BLUE card

Second Time- Conference with student – YELLOW card

Third Time – Parent Contact via phone call, email, or Class Dojo – RED Card

Continuous disruptive behavior will result in Parent  Teacher conference.


 St. Anthony – IB School


St. Anthony is an International Baccalaureate(IB) school which means we strive to develop inquiring knowledgeable students who care about our world and its various cultures.  With this in mind the following units and themes will be explored this year. 

  1. Who We Are
  2. How The World Works
  3. How We Organize Ourselves
  4. How We Share The Planet
  5. Where We Are In Place In Time
  6. How We Express Ourselves


Our units change every six weeks.  The students will have numerous learning opportunities throughout each unit to gain an understanding of the world around them.