Jonathan Bonner » Course Syllabi

Course Syllabi

Mr. J. Bonner– Math
[email protected]

Tel:(214) 421-3645 ext. 128.


The grading system is based on the following weighting criteria.
-  Classwork  ____________________________________  50%

-  Test/Quiz _____________________________________  40%

-  Homework ____________________________________  10%



The homework schedule is as follows:


Mon/Wed: Math, Social Studies, Technology

Tues/Thurs: ELAR, Science, Spanish


-  Homework must be written in Student Planners daily – it is the student’s

   responsibility to record and know their homework.

-  Homework is to be completed carefully and neatly.

-  All missing homework, missing classwork or failing work, requires an

   ASIP (Academic Success Intervention Plan) form sent home for the parent’s



Absentee/ Late Work 

- It is the student’s responsibility to complete the required absentee work as stated belowExtreme situations of illness or family business will be dealt with individuallyHomework is posted on the website and will not be accepted late.


Essential Agreements

  1. Show respect for self and others
  2. Respect the property the school and others
  3. Follow all instructions and directions the first time they are given
  4. Come to school prepared to work, learn, collaborate, think and reflect


CHOICES (Discipline)

1st – Consultation with the student

2nd – Notice to parent by telephone or email

3rd – Parental Conference

NEXT – Office Referral


1st Offenses that require immediate Office Referrals are bullying, profanity, arguments, stealing, fighting, facility graffiti, etc.



MS Math Objective

The Middle School Math will extend students’ knowledge and understanding of the rational number system and its properties through the study of variables, expressions, equations, inequalities, and analysis of data derived from real-world situations. Emphasis is placed on making connections in math to real-world problems, geometry, & statistics.  All grade levels will work on advanced math and grade level for content mastery incorporating the inquiry base curriculum each six weeks.


Course Outline

The following strands/categories are what the students will be focused on this year.

  •    Numerical Representation & Relationships
  •            Computations and Algebraic Relationships
  •              Geometry and Measurement
  •                  Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy

Daily Supplies

                          •     Math Book
                          •     Planner
                          •     ISN
                          • Binder